Convertri Updates – 22/02/22

Convertri Updates – 22/02/22

“You Spin Me Round (Like a Record)” is a song by British band Dead or Alive on their 1985 album Youthquake. Released as a single in November 1984, it has very little to do with this week’s update, but I got it stuck in my head and now you have to hear it, too.

Why is it stuck in my head, do you ask? Round and round in there like a record, baby right round? (Woo-oo-aaaaahh.)

It’s because this week, we’re releasing a brand new feature that lets you rotate images.

This has been one of our most-requested features lately, so we decided to just go for it. You can now rotate images via the Properties panel, setting the precise number of degrees you want for perfect rotations, every time.

We don’t know if they have Convertri in music heaven, but we like to think that they do, and that Pete Burns would be pleased with this latest feature release. Rest in peace, Pete.

And without further ado, let’s dive in and see what’s been going on around Convertri HQ.


Rotating images – you can now rotate images using the Positioning section of the Properties panel. Rotating images won’t rotate their contents, and you can use the number input to control degrees of rotation.

Mobile forms – the Convertri remobilizer does try to keep element proportions, which is great for things like images, but not so for things like forms. Our designers have added fixed heights to form inputs so they don’t end up itty-bitty and unusable.

Headers and footers – when you add a shared header and footer, it’s probably the case that you want them added to all or most pages in your funnel. However, you used to have to add your shared headers and footers to each page one by one, which was time-consuming and boring. We’ve added a toggle in the master header/footer area to  include the shared element  by default.


Mobile footer – when you set the footer to display right in the bottom of the page, it displayed perfectly on desktop, but on mobile it had a space between the footer and the edge of the screen. We’ve closed the gap.

Images – the editor was not rendering some images properly, leading to them looking different in the editor versus the published page. We’ve cleared the smudge on the lens and now they look perfect.

Text – adding a text element below the top of the page would sometimes push the page up, and you couldn’t scroll back up to the top. We nudged it back into place.

Forms widget – if you click on the Form widget in the editor, then click Element Properties then Positioning, the form widget would jump somewhere else and never return to where it was supposed to be. We’ve updated it’s navigation system, so now it’ll stay put.

Analytics – weird semicolons were cropping up in numbers under the map in the “breakdown by location” section of the funnel analytics screen. We’ve swept those under the rug.

Text links – text links weren’t passing on parameters. We’ve fixed this.


Over in the Facebook group, our friendly overlord Andy shares an impromptu masterclass on how we create our seven figure offers:

And on the blog last week, we grit our teeth and admitted to the nine most common Convertri mistakes (as well as how to fix them):

Not only that, but Jane’s got a webinar this week for you, all about our latest updates including scroll-out-of-viewport triggers, cookie consent and smart text:

She also created a brand new help doc, all about creating a simple thank you page:

And on this day in history, scientists in 1997 announced the birth of Dolly the sheep, the first clone of an adult mammal. However, as cloning technology is still in its infancy, it looks like we’ll have to put up with traditionally-reared lamb this Easter as nature intended. While we can’t do sheep yet, Convertri can clone pages, funnels, elements, and even elements to other pages, and you can find out how by clicking here:

Stay safe, and happy converting!


Executive Word Arranger at Convertri