The 9 Most Common Convertri Mistakes

The 9 Most Common Convertri Mistakes

Convertri builds super-fast, super-good-looking pages in a matter of minutes – if you avoid these common mistakes.

If your pages are performing poorly, conversions aren’t cutting it, or your mobile version seems meh, it could be down to one of these nine factors that could make or break your page without you even knowing it.

The good news? They’re all easily fixable – and you can do most in less than five minutes. Win!

Mistake #1: Not using actions and events.

If you want to achieve gorgeous special effects, trigger pop-ups and give your page added functionality, you can do all of this and more with actions and events – and you don’t need to write a single line of code.

Simply put, by choosing a event type, such as en element scrolling into view, you can then cause a target, such as a layer, to perform an action, such as “fade in”. For an overview of actions and events click here, and for Jane’s in-depth walkthrough of the kinds of effects you can create, click here.

Mistake #2: Not optimising for mobile.

Every Convertri page comes with a built-in mobile version that will display perfectly on any device – as long as you build your page with mobile in mind. Convertri’s remobilizer feature is smart, but it can’t fix a poorly built page, which is why you need to follow a few golden rules to make the most of it.

  1. Respect containment. Panels and images can contain other elements inside. As the remobilizer arranges your mobile page from top to down, left to right, it can put some elements in the wrong order – unless you contain them within panels or images.
  2. Use text scaling. You can set the font size on mobile to be a percentage of its true desktop size, so it’s readable on smaller screens. For more info, click here.
  3. Create a mobile-only experience. You can create layers, elements and whole sections that only appear on mobile. By customising your mobile view, you create a tailored experience that will keep them coming back for more. To learn how, click here.

In the Making the Most of Mobile webinar, Dan gives an overview of how the mobile pages are generated and how Convertri’s automatic mobile conversion works. To watch the replay, click here.

Mistake #3: Starting from scratch.

There’s nothing more terrifying than a blank page. That’s why we recommend starting with one of our slick, professionally-designed templates when it comes to creating a new page.

But if you put in loads of hard work elsewhere, there’s another way to pick up where you left off.

The Page Importer lets you import any other page you’ve built on the web and bring it into Convertri, fully editable and ready to be published. This is a Pro feature, so if you have a Pro or Agency account then the Page Importer is included. If you have a Standard account then you can buy the Page Importer separately. You can watch a demo here.

Mistake #4: Going it alone.

Too many cooks can spoil the broth, but no one enjoys a meal made by a lone, stressed-out cook who’s taken on too much. Whether you have a team of employees, a couple of dedicated freelancers, or just some friends and family, you can add them to your Convertri dashboard with an Agency account.

And if you’re a freelancer yourself, you can add clients so they can view your work in progress. Find out how it all works here.

Mistake #5: Not selling products.

Convertri is perfectly set up to sell digital (and physical) products. Even if your business is service-based, selling a product on the side is a great way to make extra income. Have you written an ebook, created a video course, or even have audio files on your hard drive your audience would find useful?

You can sell them all on Convertri, on any plan, with just a few clicks.

All you need to do is set up a product and link it up to your page. Find out how here.

Mistake #6: Not publishing your first page.

Have you registered your domain with Convertri, only to see a 404 page? Don’t panic – you just need to publish your first page before you see anything on your domain.

We have some great Coming Soon page templates for you to customise, or you can even publish a blank page. You can get going with the rest of your website in the meantime – but to make sure it’s all working, you need to get that first page published.

Mistake #7: Neglecting your email marketing

Convertri is only the first part of the conversion puzzle. To really sell effectively, you need to be building an email list. You already know how to make a form – but how does email marketing actually work?

Fret not, because in one of our most popular trainings, Rob and Kennedy from the E-mail Marketing Show reveal how to make more sales from any e-mail list – no matter what you’re trying to sell, or what niche you’re in. Watch it right here.

Mistake #8: Keeping it impersonal

Adding a personal touch such as your prospect’s first name to your thank you pages can really impress a prospect, and give the very best impression of your business. But how do you do that in Convertri?

By following Dan’s informative video about dynamic text, and how it can add a powerful personal touch to your pages. Watch the training here.

Mistake #9: Not being sure where to host files

For downloads, video hosting and general storage, we use S3. It’s probably the best file hosting on the web: it’s free to sign up, easy to use and bandwidth is incredibly cheap.  It’s what we use for a lot of our files.

If you’re stuck wondering where to host your files, we put together our own guide. You can find the PDF guide here.

We hope these tips help you boost your Convertri pages – and as always, if you have any questions or comments, please get in touch!