Convertri Updates – 08/02/22

Convertri Updates – 08/02/22

Valentine’s Day is almost here, and you know what that means…

Massive surplus of reduced chocolate from the 15th! Woohoo!

But we know you can’t wait that long for some sweet, sweet treats, so don’t you worry – we’ve got plenty of features and bug updates to keep you occupied ‘til you get your sugar rush.

In this week’s update, we’ve made tweaks to the new text element update, as well as some bug fixes involving shift+drag and container behaviour that will make everything go just a little smoother.

Meanwhile, Dan’s hosting the webinar this week, all about building a website with Convertri. On the call, you’ll discover:

  • How to quickly and easily build a website
  • Why you need to add a privacy policy (and how to add your own)
  • All about the menu elements and linking pages
  • Plus, much more!

Fancy joining us on the webinar? Find out more and register on this post:

Meanwhile, let’s get an update on what’s been going on around Convertri HQ this week.


Text elements – we recently added SmartText, which meant containers would resize and elements would move around text elements when you edited the text inside. However, this led to a few sticky situations, such as when a cloned text element caused undesirable rearrangement of the page. Now, text elements will only adjust other elements after the first time the text in that element has been changed. This should put an end to problems caused by SmartText, but don’t hesitate to get in touch if you experience other issues.


Checkouts – some checkout skins were causing a portion of the currency or price to be cut off from view. We’ve stretched them out a bit, so they’ll accommodate as many numbers as you need.

Text elements – deleting the second line of text in an element where it’s the final line doesn’t shrink containers or move elements as it should when another element is in the same container.  Sometimes. This was inconsistent and really weird, but we managed to fix it.

Containers – if you’re shift-dragging an element in a container, that container should grow, right? Some users were experiencing problems such as the behaviour not working properly when two container elements were present, and the one which shouldn’t move on shift-drag had a bottom edge lower than the bottom edge of the container which should grow. Also, if the container which should grow is significantly shorter, it wouldn’t grow, and there was a weird fuzzy grey effect that would happen on the bottom edge, and if you moved the mouse fast enough it worked for a while but then the element you’re trying to drag kinda crashes into the edge and pulls the container into expanding with it. So, yeah… none of this being ideal, we tore it down and fixed it. 

HTML elements – if you set a border on an HTML element, it wouldn’t show up on the live page. We’ve fixed it.

Shift+drag – sometimes, if the bottom edge of a container equals the bottom edge of a box inside that you shift-drag, this could cause an unwanted gap to appear when both bottom edges of the container and box inside should be level. We’ve fixed it.


In the Facebook group, Russ Guthrie shared a really interesting service that lets you add even more third-party functionality to your Convertri site:

Also, this week our customer support expert Dan is hosting a webinar all about how to build a website using Convertri. Join us on Thursday 10th February at 11am EST to learn how to link pages, integrate forms, and have all your questions answered live. Find out more and register here:

And finally, on this day in 1855, mysterious cloven hoof marks appeared after heavy snow outside a church in Exeter, UK in a phenomenon later dubbed “the Devil’s Footprints”. The single-file marks travelled over 70 miles, over “unaccountable places – on the tops of houses and narrow walls, in gardens and court-yards, enclosed by high walls and pailings, as well in open fields”, and has never been explained.

If you want to follow your customers’ footsteps online, don’t be like the Devil – ask permission first. Find out how to display a cookie consent footer on your page by clicking here:

Stay safe, and happy converting!


Executive Word Arranger at Convertri