Matching Your Ad to Your Landing Page

You’re hungry, and you would like a burrito. You leave your office and take a stroll down the street to find a place to eat a burrito. “Mmm, burritos,” you think to yourself. You see a sign with a burrito on it, with the words, “Delicious!” and “50% off!!” on it. “Oh yes, burrito time!” […]

What is Top of Funnel Marketing?

You might have heard the term “top of funnel marketing” on your travels around the internet – but what does it mean? Imagine a sales funnel. It looks like this: The shape, an upside down triangle, represents the way it filters a pool of prospects until only the people most interested in the offer are […]

How to Build a Marketing Tech Stack in 2021

Those two words sounds cool as hell. Hearing it makes you think of 80’s cyber hackers with sunglasses on inside. You already have one – but you might not know it. This week, we’re talking about tech stacks: what are they, how do they work, why do you want one and what other people’s ones […]

Sales Funnels 101: What Are They, Anyway?

Maybe you smile and laugh at networking events, nod sagely at PowerPoint presentations with clipart of what looks like colourful little tornadoes or party hats… but all the while, you never know what a sales funnel actually is, or what they’re used for. Don’t worry: you’re not alone. The ones who do know what sales […]