Convertri Updates – 02/07/19

Convertri Updates – 02/07/19

Today, we have a pretty big feature release a LOT of you have been asking about – we are delighted to say we’ve made some changes to forms notifications that should make running your Convertri agency a whole lot more streamlined…

Meanwhile, let’s get to the real news. It’s ROASTING.

Europe is melting under one of the biggest heatwaves in history – up here in Scotland, we even managed one barbecue before the rain set in.


Some of you may be fearing the worst: heatwaves spell disaster for electrical grids, nuclear power stations, and all such scary trappings of modern existence.

The solution? Survive, with tools, water purifiers, and other such handy products!

So if you have a bunker, a bug-out bag, a Plan B or just a backup, our newest page templates are just for you. Spread the word, keep others safe, make some sales – and survive!

Before it hits the fan, just hit CTRL+SHIFT+R – or CMD+SHIFT+R if you’re on a Mac to see the new updates:


Clients [AGENCY] – now, your clients can be notified directly when someone fills out their form. You can choose to send form notifications directly to the email you used when you set up your main account, or the email used to set up your client. You can do this in the Clients screen in the Dashboard.

Pages – sometimes, the changes you make outside the Page Builder mean you’ll need to republish your pages before they take effect. This wasn’t always obvious. Now, you’ll be notified when you make changes which require republishing your pages, so you can get back up and running sooner.

Page templates [PRO] –

In the survival of the fittest, which pages will win? Conquer every scenario from EMP to zombie apocalypse with these survivalist page layouts:

Survival (2-step opt-in)
Survival (opt-in value post)


No bugs this week. But, did you know, around 10 quadrillion ants live on the planet at any given moment? That’s about 1.4 million ants per human. They could overthrow us if they wanted. Sleep tight!

Happy converting!

Executive Word Arranger at Convertri