Introducing Convertri’s New Lightning CDN
You could be forgiven for thinking Convertri pages couldn’t get any faster.
After all, the sheer amount and variety of optimisations we apply – automatically – to every published page on our network mean we already smoke every other page builder out there.
But in this case, you’d be wrong.
Because this just happened:

Previously, the Convertri CDN was based across multiple highly-optimised servers in the US. Every one of them was custom-tweaked to make sure they delivered pages as fast as possible.
But there was still a limit to how fast our page delivery could be.
Data travels at the speed of light (unless it’s bad news, in which case – as everyone knows – it travels far faster).
And while light moves incredibly quickly, if someone is requesting your page from, say, Germany, it’ll still take longer to load than it will for someone in New York, because the data has far further to travel.
So with our latest upgrade, we’ve opened new edge nodes in Europe and Asia, to give us far better global coverage.
Now, your pages will be stored in multiple locations around the world. Convertri will automatically detect which of our nodes is closest to the viewer requesting the page and direct them there to get the data – so when your viewer in Germany requests your page, instead of that request doing a round trip to America, it’ll get the data from the European node instead.
Not only that, each of these nodes has the full set of performance enhancements we’ve given to our US servers, so every one delivers pages near-instantly.
This will speed up rendering times of your pages by up to a full second, depending on where your viewers are in the world.
And that might not sound like much, but just a 100ms checkout page speed increase boosted Mobify’s annual revenue by $530,000.
Every little bit matters, which is why we’re committed to always making your pages load that little bit faster.
This upgrade has automatically been rolled out across all Convertri pages, so they’re all now leaving their competitors even further behind.
You’re welcome, guys 🙂