Convertri Updates – 15/12/20

Convertri Updates – 15/12/20

“Two things in this life are certain: death and taxes.” – Benjamin Franklin (probably)

I’d like to propose we add a third thing to that list – the Convertri weekly update, which has gone out without interruption (barring Christmas and other very important chocolate-related events) since day one.

Now, we can’t do a lot about the death one, sorry. But we can make your taxes a little easier.

In this weekly update, we’re adding new cart features that will help you sail into 2021 a bit more gracefully. It’s been a rough ol’ year, so we want to help you start the next one as smoothly as possible.

Not only that, but we have some more features added to the voting leaderboards, so be sure to check those out.

Oh, and if you missed last week’s awesome Getting Started webinar, you can catch the replay here:

(By the way – the next Getting Started webinar is on the 7th of January, so pop it in your shiny new calendar.)

Scroll down to read the updates, then hit CTRL+SHIFT+R (or CMD+SHIFT+R if you’re on a Mac to check out  what’s new this week.


Want to help decide where Convertri is heading? Check out the list of upcoming features, and vote to tell us which you want to see first at

This week, we’ve got a couple new features for you to vote on:

  • Grid lines for element positioning
  • Add tags to customers who buy a bump sale
  • Increased timeout on the page importer


A few updates and new help docs for you this week:

How to Apply Tax to Products –

How to Use Product Coupons –

How to Add Separators –

How to Embed a Video –

How to Use PayPal Test Mode –

How to Create a Close Link on a Layer –


Taxes – sales tax is now calculated at checkout, which is helpful if you want to avoid the wrath of HMRC, the IRS, or other nations’ government henchmen. You can adjust the tax rate according to country and US state.  Just head to the new Tax menu in the Cart section of your Dashboard. Oh, and we won’t hold any of the funds – 100% of the money goes straight to you. But it’s handy for working out how much you owe.

Coupons – you can now create product-specific coupons if you only want to give your customers a discount on specific items. Head to the Coupons menu in the Cart section of your Dashboard, and you’ll be able to add and edit coupons that work with single products only.

Page templates (PRO) –

Updates to two new pages this week include:

Beast Mode (opt-in)

Beast Mode (delivery)


Dropdowns – if you set your dropdown form input to Required, it still may have submitted even when left empty. We’ve fixed that now.

Background video – if you set a Preview image for your background video, it may not have been displaying correctly. We’ve fixed that too.

Required fields on layers – if you had a form on a layer, and you left some of those form fields empty to trigger the “this value is required” message, those messages would still show even when you closed the layer. That was weird, so we fixed it.

Checkout – country and state dropdowns weren’t fully visible in the modal checkout preview. We fixed it.

Stay safe, and happy converting!


Executive Word Arranger at Convertri