Convertri Updates – 20/11/18

Convertri Updates – 20/11/18

Oh, my goodness.

Convertri’s gotten even FASTER – and yes, you read that right.


No one thought it was possible – but we did it!

Breaking our own records, we’ve supercharged our pages with a generous dollop of cutting edge techno-wizardry that ensures your pages load at an even faster lightning-quick speed than ever before.

(While we hope you notice the difference, even trying to slow down your retina shutter speed to watch a Convertri page’s load process is like looking at the sun. Stay safe, don’t look directly at it.)

Here’s a brief list of rather quick things our Convertri pages have now overtaken:

A gnat’s blink
A hungry cheetah
The blank screen in between frames of a Spongebob episode
The speed of light according to Einstein’s first attempt (wrong, but still quite fast)
The garbage men on the one day I decide to have a lie in

That’s pretty fast.

But you’ll still need to force-refresh to activate the supercombobulator that makes it go. So, just hit CTRL + SHIFT + R (or CMD + SHIFT + R if you’re on a Mac) to see the updates:

Page Speed – this week, we implemented HTML5 asset preloading and next generation image serve methods to increase page load speed efficiency. I don’t know what all that means, and you don’t have to either. The important thing is from today, your pages will load even faster.

1-click Upsells – we’ve made 1-click upsell pages a little bit smarter. Before, if you navigated to a 1-click upsell page directly with no prior sale, you’d see an error message upon clicking the checkout button. Now you’ll see a checkout modal that allows them to enter payment and delivery details. (But you’ll have to republish existing pages to make it work!)

1-click Upsells – these now work with product groups! Just set up a product group on a 1-click upsell page, and your customer will be able to choose an option before processing the purchase.

Page templates [PRO] –
A bright, bold, fast-loading funnel that’s perfect for webinars and coaches alike.

Konference (opt-in)
Konference (checkout)
Konference (delivery)

Accounts – in very, very rare cases, Agency users could accidentally delete the main user. Your funnels and pages would still be there, and your clients could still log in, but your user would be gone. This happened when trying to delete a sub-account client, and happened in rare cases only if you were managing clients and switching between main account and sub-accounts in different tabs. We sorted this one out pretty quick.

DNS Records – if you added a record for a sub-domain that repeated the domain name, such as for, which resolves into, the NAME record would not display properly and there were problems with editing or deleting it. Now the problem is gone.

Screenshots – a small bug, affecting about 1-2% of pages, meant that potentially no thumbnails would show in the funnel editor. Your funnels were not affected – just the little pictures. We’ve fixed that now.

Happy converting!

Executive Word Arranger at Convertri