Convertri Updates – 09/10/18

Convertri Updates – 09/10/18

Has this post downloaded yet? Phew! Good.

It’s a bumper edition of the update announcement this week, with more features and bug fixes than you can shake a vertical divider element at.

Not that you would.

Why? It’s Bug Week!

Less gory than Shark Week and more useful than International Data Week (that’s a thing, apparently), it’s a new tradition here at Convertri where we smash kegs of high-strength coffee, let the devs run riot, and fix a ton of bugs.

You see, big thorny bugs that affect lots of people and take bites out of sandwiches get fixed quickly. They’re high-urgency and high-impact squashables.

Tiny bugs aren’t so big of a problem… they just scuttle around the floorboards munching on crumbs and earning vaguely disgusted looks. Everyday irks.

So, we launched Bug Week to lift up a floorboard or two and see just how many of the little guys are underneath – and devote a chunk of time to squashing the bugs that might otherwise get overlooked.

So without further ado, before we get down to business don’t forget to force-refresh Convertri if you’re using it right now to see the updates. Just hit CTRL + SHIFT + R (or CMD + SHIFT + R if you’re on a Mac):


Brand new help docs this week include:

How to Set Up Cart Abandonment –
How to Set Up Different Lists for Products –
How to Set Up Affiliate Funnel Share –


Images – you can now replace an image in-situ, because when you wanted to change an image it was a headache to delete it, add a new one, and spend ages fiddling around to get it back in place at the same size (especially on mobile). Click on your image and in its Properties panel you’ll now see an option to change the image.

Affiliate Badge – you can now move it to the left on your page, so it doesn’t interfere with apps like Intercom. The badge will still default to the right hand side, but you can change this in the Affiliate screen.

Post Requests – some product delivery platforms post data to delivery pages and redirects. Convertri’s delivery network ignored post requests (as we don’t handle the posted information), which meant that it was not possible to post data to a Convertri page. This resulted in an error when doing so. This change means Convertri will serve the page when the user posts to it as though they had requested normally.

Page templates [PRO] –
Introducing Bullseye, a cute and functional template with eye-catching graphics for software and IM.

Bullseye (opt-in)
Bullseye (downsell)
Bullseye (upsell)
Bullseye (checkout)
Bullseye (thank you)
Bullseye (delivery)


Default Text Styles – we were getting reports that changes made to Default Text Styles weren’t affecting text boxes properly. We’ve now fixed the issue. Thanks for pointing it out to us!

Publishing – when you moved a single published page, or a funnel with published pages, to a new domain without unpublishing them first, the published versions of these pages remained accessible on the old domain… but you couldn’t edit them anymore. We fixed that, so published pages are now unpublished before they are moved.

Orders – the order of Orders was very disorderly. So now, your list of Orders is now sorted by order date in descending order. (This should keep everything orderly.)

URLs – it used to be possible to publish a page to a path ending with multiple slashes, like – but such a page could never be accessed. Now, we’ve made it impossible to publish pages to paths containing multiple consecutive slashes.

Split Testing – when you published a split test to an URL with a slash (‘/’) at the end, you got a 404 error when you visited the split test URL. We fixed that.

Split Testing – when you stopped a split test, both page variants were kept published forever and they only way to unpublish them was to contact support. They were still accessible with direct URLs – That sucked from a SEO point of view. We fixed it, so now both variants are automatically unpublished and the winner is automatically published.

Split Testing – Convertri mistakenly treated variants of newly started split test as published. Preview was available in the page card’s dropdown menu, but clicking on it led to 404 page. This has been fixed.

Internal Links – internal links made with the Text Editor aren’t marked as .link-internal, which messed up analytics. The internal link address also ended up among the outbound URLs in the Conversion Details dialog. The problem was only affecting internal links inside text boxes, made using the text editing tools, and not full-element internal links made using the Element Properties panel, but we fixed it.

Share Pages – your page name was being ignored when a page was imported from a share code via the Import Page dialog. We fixed that.

GetResponse – we were allowing creating GetResponse tags with spaces and dashes, but GetResponse didn’t support them, which led to errors. We fixed that.

Fonts – any new fonts used since last save were not included in your page’s Preview. So if you changed font family of your text element to Open Sans (and Open Sans has not been used on that page before) and wanted to preview your changes using the Preview button in our Editor, your text element wouldn’t look as expected. We fixed it.

Scrollbar – clicking on the scrollbar in the Page Builder cleared your selection, as it was treated the same as clicking on empty page contents to deselect current elements. We fixed it.

Countdowns – timer elements set to full-width looked wrong in the Page Builder (but still great on a published page). Now what you see is what you’ll get.

Countdowns – expired countdowns weren’t always rendered properly on mobile after resizing. We got rid of that problem.

Borders – if you turned on the option to set common value for all border radius corners and then switched to another element, you might end up with invalid values for its corners. We ensured to automatically switch that option off in case you change the selected element.

Search – in the Dashboard, entering invalid characters like slashes created a whole heap of mess. We’ve now fixed it.

Mobile – some mobile-only elements might have been mistakenly hidden or shown when you changed mobile device orientation. This led to some elements vanishing by surprise. We fixed that, too.

Happy converting!

Executive Word Arranger at Convertri