Convertri Updates – 27/03/17

Here’s how to get a groan, guaranteed: say the word ‘lite’.


From weird-tasting, chemical-laden diet products to the measly plans with none of the features anybody needs, the word ‘lite’ all too often means exactly the opposite…

…Full of things you don’t want.

That’s why, at Convertri HQ, when we say ‘lite’ we mean it.

So when we say that this week, everyone’s working hard on the UI update and we’ve got Pro templates and bug fixes as usual…

…That’s how you do Update Lite.

After all, ‘lite’ should mean less unnecessary fluff, and all of the good stuff.

(Otherwise it’d be spelled ‘liiyygght’. Probably.)

This is the part where I remind you that if you’re using Convertri right now, you’ll need to force-refresh (CTRL + SHIFT + R, or CMD + SHIFT + R if you’re on a Mac) your browser to see what’s new:


Facing Up – using human faces in your marketing is a pretty good idea. As humans evolved, we learned to recognise faces, expressions and mannerisms and their associations – and, as it turns out, that’s a pretty powerful way to sell stuff.

Find out how to make one simple change to your landing pages that could generate a huge increase in conversions (like it’s done 1000’s of times before) by clicking this link:


No changes this week, but as always feel free to get in touch if you’re a bit stuck and there’s a tutorial or walkthrough you’d like to see. We’ll bake it fresh, out of the oven.


New templates [PRO] –

Kelly (checkout) – the latest in the Kelly series is a sleek, dynamic checkout page.

Gym (opt-in) – for you fitness freaks, this page is motivating enough to convert the laziest couch potato.

Gym (thank you) – reward them for improving their health and fitness with this inspirational page.


Mobile Page Builder – as it turns out, the Page Importer did not play well with the new Mobile Page Builder, leading to truly horrible text smushing. We had a stern word and told them to shake hands and make up, so this has been fixed now.

In other news, we want to do better for you.

So please, if you have a spare minute or two, fill in our customer survey so we can take on board your thoughts, opinions and kickass ideas for the future:

You’ll be asked what license you have: every other question is optional. (But, we’d be really grateful if you did a few more.)

Thanks so much, and happy converting!


Executive Word Arranger at Convertri