Convertri Updates – 06/03/18

Okay – we’ve got some good news, and some bad news.

The good news? I have a new trombone! (So shiny.)

The bad news is… the mobile editor updates won’t be out this week.

*sad trombone wah-wah*

Thing is, we have a few more adjustments and tweaks to make, and we want to make it absolutely perfect, just for you.

We don’t do things by halves at Convertri. Page load speed is one thing, but when it comes to releasing new features and updates, speed is a close second to quality.

But – holy smokes, you guys – when it does launch?

The new mobile editor is going so be SO GOOD.

Not only will your pages look impeccable on every smart device…

And it not only does this without including extra whitespace or guttering, giving you full control over full-page experiences…

…But this means your pages are virtually futureproof.

No matter what whizz-bang gizmo from Google, Apple, Razr, Samsung or anyone else hits the market: your pages will look gorgeous on every one.

And anyone not using Convertri will be late to the party, scrambling to chop off or squeeze in a few extra pixels… manually. As in, by hand.


So it’s very much worth waiting for – and we want to thank you so much, personally, for bearing with us.

In the meantime, our intrepid devs continue to squash bugs left and right, so please remember if you’re using Convertri right now, you’ll need to force-refresh (CTRL + SHIFT + R, or CMD + SHIFT + R if you’re on a Mac) your browser to see the new fixes:


New templates [PRO] –

Manful (Coming Soon) – a masculine hold page to keep your audience in anticipation.

Kelly (Opt-in) – modern, minimal and bright: that’s our Kelly!

Baby Blue – an astral theme in calming hues.


HTML elements – these had become unclickable in the editor, which made selecting and editing properties (or doing anything at all) very hard. This has been fixed.

‘Powered By Convertri’ badge – this had a nasty habit of covering the bottom-most elements of your page on mobile. Now, it won’t.

There’s no update video this week, but I’m looking forward to giving you an in-depth, no-expenses-spared guided tour around our new mobile editor soon.

See you next week!


Executive Word Arranger at Convertri