Convertri Updates – 23.1.18

It doesn’t take a thousand words to describe the importance of images.

To be fair, it’s rare you’d use a thousand words to describe anything – except perhaps the beauty of a summer’s evening, the evolution of Scottish crofting law from 1715 to 1993, or why the Simpsons went downhill after season 8.

(Disagree? Let’s take it outside. I’ve got charts.)

But when it comes to your Convertri site, images often convert better than essays.

So, this week, it’s all about the big picture.

From some dark magic with the page importer to a brand new feature you Instagram influencers will love, our exciting updates this week are all about images.

And remember, if you’re using Convertri right now, you’ll need to force-refresh (CTRL + SHIFT + R, or CMD + SHIFT + R if you’re on a Mac) your browser to see what’s new:


Page Importer: speed – image import was a little slow. So, our dev team held a black mass at midnight, burned some sage, sacrificed a couple of circuit boards to their dark gods and lo and behold: it has been sped up. All hail the Circuit Lord!

Page Importer: embedded images – and thirdly, images embedded directly into CSS or HTML as so-called _data URLs_ can now also be imported. You’ll commonly see these in image bullets for example.

Page importer: reliability – we’ve made improvements to the Importer’s reliability across the scale which means much less dependency on your own connection and many less individual requests needed overall. This, I am informed by our dev team, is a good thing.

Image filters – Instagram addict? Us: guiltyyyy! (Sorry.) We added a bunch of filters you can apply to your images after they’ve been uploaded to Convertri. You can use just one, or a combination of however many you want. Roll call!

Blur – create a gorgeous middle-distance effect, while letting any text in the foreground stand out.

Halftone – a retro, comic-book looking super-processed effect, similar to how images are printed in newspapers using dots of color.

Pixelate – conceal your identity, protect valuable information or just add an air of mystery by cyber-blurring your images.

Sepia – a retro tint that harks back to warm, sunny evenings and silent movies.

Monochrome – use only one color for your entire image (when chosen, a color picker will appear).

New templates [PRO]

Octogon – a bright, colourful and inspiring template for any digital agency.

Float (Thank You) – latest in the Float series, a gracious thank you page.

Float (Upsell) – another in the Float series to take you up, up and away (to more sales)!


Page Importer – aforementioned dark tech magic should have finally fixed everything that was buggy with importing http images.

Anyone order a double shot update video to go with no froth? Here ya go:

See you next week!


Executive Word Arranger at Convertri