Convertri Updates – 17/09/24

Convertri Updates – 17/09/24

It’s Tuesday, so you know what that means – the weekly Convertri update is here!

As always our in house whizz-kid Alexa has a super helpful video. This week she’s gone through the 2 ways you can add ThriveCart to your page Check it out here:

In the news this week is OpenAI… Everyone ruuun the robots are taking over. I’m kidding but there has been a claim made by OpenAI that their new o1 model can ‘reason like a human’. Spooky. Check out the article here:

And on this day in history in 1976 NASA unveils its first space shuttle, the Enterprise. If you want to your conversions to sky-rocket, don’t forget to check that the mobile version of your page is in tip-top condition. As of August 2024, mobile devices account for over 60% of global web traffic so it remains as important than ever to check out that mobile editor before publishing.

DISCOVER MORE ABOUT MOBILEMobile Webinar Replay – If you’re interested in discovering more about how to use our mobile editor and what it can do, check out our mobile webinar replay here:…/531-how-to-make-the-most…

Here at Convertri we are always working hard to deliver exciting and innovative features that will improve your business. That’s what we’re continuing to do now so keep an eye out for the latest updates!

Happy converting!
Team Convertri