Convertri Updates – 04/06/24

Convertri Updates – 04/06/24

We’re well into summer time here in the UK, and as the weather heats up we hope you’re getting plenty of fresh air outside while you make your funnels!

This week we’ve got quite a chunky edition of your regularly scheduled update, with news from the industry as well as videos about how to use Convertri features, plus some bug fixes and even more help doc updates.

So grab a cup of coffee, and let’s see what we have in store for you this fine Tuesday:


Want to learn about “casual intrinsic influence”? It’s the integration of casual reasoning into AI models, which basically means trying to impart some human common sense into how these machines understand our world. See how it could impact your marketing campaigns here:

In the Facebook group this week, Alexa shows you how awesome the new right-click update is:

And finally, on this day in history, American musician Bruce Springsteen released Born in the U.S.A. on 4th June 1984, which makes today its 40th anniversary. Our analytics dashboard unfortunately can’t tell you about American birth rates in the later 20th century, but you can at least see how many of your visitors came from the USA. Find out how here:


This week’s Spotlight video, courtesy of Rose, focuses on font scaling – what is it, why is it important, and what can you use it for? All your questions will be answered in this short video:


Membership tiers: dropdowns – in Campaigns > Memberships > [membership] > Access Tiers, when a module dropdown on any of the tier boxes is clicked and a selection is made, you may have encountered a glitch where it doesn’t go back to “Add module” and instead shows my last selection, repeating the name of one of the modules below it. That was kind of confusing, so we fixed it.

Membership tiers: purchase – if an old member of your membership site bought a higher tier from a purchase page or form page using the same email, the site access may not have updated to the newly bought tier although the purchase was recorded. We’ve fixed this now.

Back button – if you clicked your browser’s Back button when using the Image Manager, Video or Funnel folders, you may not have seen the screen or folder you were expecting. We’ve fixed this now.


We have a lot of new help doc updates for you this week, including:

  • How to Set Up Your Account
  • Split Testing Overview
  • How to Share a Page
  • How to Use Product Coupons
  • How to Remove the Convertri Badge from Your Funnel Page
  • How to Clone a Layer
  • How to Save a Layer
  • How to Use Absolute Element Sizing
  • Quizitri Walkthrough
  • How to Create a Bump Sale
  • Team Members Overview
  • How to Add Multiple Bump Sales
  • How to Upload a Video to Convertri
  • Analytics Dashboard Overview
  • Page Importing Walkthrough
  • How to Add ThriveCart to a Convertri Page
  • How to Add a File to a Membership Site
  • How to Unpublish a Page
  • Getting Started with Convertri – 25th April

Happy converting!


Executive Word Arranger at Convertri