Convertri Updates – 27/02/23

Convertri Updates – 27/02/23

Hope everyone’s having a great week! In this edition, we have a bunch of new funnel level settings for you, as well as some pesky bug fixes to make your Convertri experience even easier.

A couple of big news items for you:

First of all, we’re introducing a new three-tier pricing system from next week, March 5th. But if you’re reading this, don’t worry – you’re grandfathered in on our old plans, and your price won’t change in any way. However, if you decide to cancel your account and rejoin at a later date, you’ll be choosing from one of our three new plans: Convert, Scale and Maximize.

In other news, we’ll also be shaking up how we do these weekly updates. From next Tuesday (5th March) you’ll see a brand new weekly update full of news, hints, alternating sections and bug fixes when they occur, with jumbo feature drops every month!

So keep an eye out for the new format when it drops, and check out what else we have in store for you:


Default text styles: funnel level – we’ve given you the ability to set default text styles at funnel level, so you can build your pages more quickly. Find Paragraph, H1, H2 and Hyperlink styles in your funnel’s settings.

Default messages: funnel level – you can now also customize your default messages for required fields, sending forms and email and phone validation at funnel level, too.

Mobile grouping: funnel level – want to change your mobile grouping settings for multiple pages at once? There’s a funnel level setting now for that, too!

Guideline width and snap lines: funnel level – and you’ve guessed it, you can now alter settings for guideline widths and snap lines from your funnel settings, as well.


Product groups – if you have a product group, the order on the page checkout may not have been the same in the cart dashboard. We’ve rejiggled things, and now they should appear in order.

Buttons on layers – if you had a Sign Up button on a layer, it may not have correctly triggered when pressed. We’ve fixed the issue.


In this week’s video walkthrough in the Facebook group, Alexa shows us how to delete a folder in the Image Manager:

And on this day in history, we’re celebrating the life of Leonard Nimoy—best known for his portrayal of the stoic, cerebral Mr Spock in Star Trek—who died on 27th February 2015 aged 83. One of Spock’s go-to sayings was “Insufficient facts always invite danger”, and we wholeheartedly agree: check your analytics dashboard, Captain, to find out where you need to optimize:

Happy converting!


Executive Word Arranger at Convertri