Convertri Updates – 5.12.17

Gin, chocolates, travel-sized beauty products… or crumbs because you decided it was your Thanksgiving dessert…

…What’s in your advent calendar?

We’re five days deep, and you know what that means: Elf has been on TV precisely 989,220 times, the gyms are dead and battening down the hatches for the New Year’s batch of fitness enthusiasts, and you’re leaving it a bit late to pre-order the gargantuan pizza and aspirin delivery you cursed your past self for not scheduling the morning after last year’s office party… but which you will, again, sorely need.

(Uh, just me?)

Luckily, there’s still a few weeks to go, lots more windows to open and more Convertri updates to make your days merry and bright… at least until you need us to turn the lights down and shhh.

As always, if you’re using Convertri while putting off the Christmas shopping, you’ll need to force-refresh (CTRL + SHIFT + R, or CMD + SHIFT + R if you’re on a Mac) your browser to see why we’re this season’s best new toy:


Submit button – this element now comes with two different modes: Submit, and Link. This makes it obvious whether the button’s going to submit the form, or take your customer somewhere else. This should mean far fewer issues with forms not working.

Integrations [PRO] – welcome WebinarJam! We’ve added this API for Pro and Agency users, so you can connect your signup forms seamlessly.

New templates [PRO] –
Gadget – a modern theme to showcase your favourite toys.
Shutter – a photographic feast for the eyes.
Watch – a luxe template for discerning tastes.


Links – when Convertri told you that you couldn’t use mailto: links, it was telling a dirty fib. Convertri now knows better.

Restore – restore points for your pages were being opened in the /member path rather than the /member/editor path, which meant some styling was weird and broken. This has been fixed.

Bullets – not only would text bullets not toggle off, the bullet settings dropdown wasn’t always showing. Both these matters were irritating as hell, and have now been fixed.

Conversion dialog – checkout redirection links were not being displayed in the conversion dialog screen: now, they are.

Aweber API – by default, the API only returned the first 100 lists it found. Gotta be honest, we thought that’d be enough… it was not. We’ve upped it to 500.

Give your eyes a break from It’s a Wonderful Life reruns and Christmas light-induced blinking fits, and check out the update video right here:

Happy converting!

Executive Word Arranger at Convertri