Convertri Updates – 05/09/23

Convertri Updates – 05/09/23

Dates are delicious, nutritious, and useful.

You can use them to make vegan caramel sauce, mix with chestnuts for a sweet stuffing for Christmas turkey, or simply eat them from a fancy plate and feel like a prince.

Knowing the date is not as tasty, but even more useful: and with our brand new element, your page’s readers can now see today’s date at a glance.

(To see if their dates are past their use-by date.)

In other news, we’ve got updates and bug fixes to membership sites, a new round of help doc updates, and a brand new video from Alexa. Read on to find out more:


Dates – we’re welcoming a brand new element to the Convertri family: the Date! Drop a Date onto your page, and it will display today’s date on your page. Customising options can be found in its Properties panel, and you can find the Date element itself in the More section of the Elements tray.

Memberships – when we launched this feature, we gave you the ability to attach memberships to products to sell access to new members (even if you set the price to zero). Now, we’re giving you the option to attach memberships to forms so that members can sign up with their email: no purchase needed. You can find the new Memberships tab in the Forms modal.

Zoom – this webinar service has updated their integration requirements, so this is just a heads up that if you use Zoom with Convertri you’ll need to reauthenticate your integration by 8th September for it to continue working. Check here for instructions:


Buy buttons – if you added a button on a page with Buy skin or Contact skin used and set the button mode to add to cart, the button may have displayed a code. This is a super secret code related to world domination and should have been kept under wraps. We’ve fixed the issue, so please now wipe it from your memory. Nothin’ to see here.

Aweber – information in the Name field may not have been passed on correctly to Aweber after the cart is abandoned, even if it was filled out. We’ve fixed this.

Memberships: lessons – if you don’t have a lesson in your first module and you published your membership anyway, it may have shown as blank. We’ve fixed the issue.

Memberships: drip feeding – if you had drip feeding enabled and your delay was set to anything but zero, your members may have had trouble accessing content. This is now fixed.


We’ve added updates to the following help docs:

  • How to Share a Page
  • How to Create a Dropdown Menu
  • Funnel Builder Overview
  • How to Set Up Cart Abandonment
  • How to Set Up a Contact Form
  • How to Add an Image
  • How to Integrate Zoom Webinar


This week in the Facebook group, Alexa shows us how to accomplish video forwarding:

And on this day in history, scientists at a conference in Washington, D.C. in 2001 described an observation of energy flares that provided strong evidence of the theorised black hole at the centre of the Milky Way Galaxy. Are your prospects disappearing into a black hole after abandoning their carts? Pull them back from the edge by setting up cart abandonment emails. Find out how to do that here:

Happy converting!


Executive Word Arranger at Convertri