Convertri Updates – 15/8/17

As you probably know, we’ve been working on a couple of big projects recently.

This week’s when they start getting delivered.

First up, something we weren’t totally sure we’d be able to deliver at all…

But we got it cracked.

Our brand new Page Importer.

This will let you take any page you’ve built in other platforms and import it into the Convertri editor.

So you can transfer your pages without having to build them again from scratch.

This is currently in what’s known as Very Beta, and that means there’s still some areas it doesn’t work great.  The key bugs we know about:

  • Fonts will be changed to the closest match from one of a (very) small list.  We’re planning to update this list to include any Google font, but just now you’re getting Arial or Merriweather.
  • Whitespace and text line height are currently ignored.  They won’t be for long.
  • Bullets are currently ignored, you’ll get the list as a set of text elements instead.
  • Not really a bug, but just to be clear: this is designed for static text and images.  Trying to import things that aren’t static text or images (like animations or video) probably won’t cause anything to explode or accidentally summon the Dread God Cthulhu, but those elements won’t be included properly in the imported page.

But even now, it’ll make shifting your page over to Convertri (or client pages for updating) a LOT faster.

This week, we’re making the Page Importer available to Agency users.

And we’re currently just making this available to Agency users for 2 reasons:

1.  We want a small group of people using it so we can see how it performs

2.  Importing pages like this costs us money, and we don’t know how much yet.  We’ll monitor this over the next couple of months and then make a call on what plans we can make this available with.

So if you’re not an Agency user, watch this space.  If you are, please give it a beating and let us know where and how it breaks!  Just please don’t summon Cthulhu while you’re doing it.

(Oh, and a health and safety notice – DO NOT use the Page Importer on any sites that have malware.  That could damage your Convertri account, not necessarily in ways we can get back.)

So that’s pretty exciting.


We’ve been talking about the new UI for a few weeks.

And now it’s here, and OK, I’m biased… but it looks amazing.

We’ve added labels.  We’ve given you more editor space.  We’ve tried to arrange features so they’re in more sensible places.  We’ve tried to make everything more intuitive.

As with the Page Importer, this isn’t done done.  It’ll get further improvements – in particular, we haven’t yet updated the element tray.

But if you take a look, I think you’ll be impressed.

As always, force-refresh (CTRL + SHIFT + R, or CMD + SHIFT + R if you’re on a Mac) your browser to see the changes.

Here’s a video demoing the Page Importer and showing you round the new UI:

All the best,


Chief Wordologist

Team Convertri