Convertri Updates – 08/07/21

Convertri Updates – 08/07/21

It’s been a while since our last blog update, so here’s a round up of all our latest features and bug fixes.

The biggest news? Element Tree is here!

This long-awaited new feature has just come out of beta, so all of you can experience how helpful it is to your everyday page-building process.

Check it out in the app by clicking Display in the top toolbar, and enabling the Element Tree. A panel will appear at the right hand side of your screen, where you’ll be able to see your page from a birds-eye view, broken down into individual elements and groups.

From here, of course, you’ll be able to:

  • Swap elements’ positions – to swap elements or panels without dragging them around
  • Toggle hide or show on page load – and see at a glance which ones are hidden, and which are shown
  • Edit visibility on mobile or desktop – with just a click of an icon
  • Visualise containment – to organise your groups and panels
  • Easily select any element hidden behind others – so no more drag and drop and forget where you put it
  • Resize the panel – useful if you have a lot of nested elements

The element swapping algorithm works best with big panels with contained elements, so impressive results are just a click away when you have a one-page website split up into sections. Want your About Me bio section above the gallery of your work? Simply swap those two panels in the Element Tree. No matter how large they are, or how many elements they contain, they’ll switch positions effortlessly.

A big, mega shout-out to all our feature testers, who really put the Element Tree through its paces. Not only did they beat out the bugs, but they also suggested some of our favourite features. Here’s just some of the ideas you can thank them for:

– Showing element names on the tree

– Auto-scroll to the selected element

– Bringing the panel to the front when it’s clicked on, so it doesn’t get stuck behind the Properties Panel (or vice versa)

These are all slap-the-forehead, why-didn’t-I-think-of-that, genius-level improvements that we wouldn’t have brought into reality without their feedback. So, thank you, feature testers – the Element Tree would be nothing without you!

Meanwhile, here’s everything else that’s been happening around Convertri HQ:


Element Tree – it’s here! Click on Display in the top toolbar, then toggle Element Tree to On. A panel will appear where you can see all your pages’ elements, swap their positions, toggle visibility and more.

Query strings – you can now choose whether or not to ignore query strings in conversion links. Open the split test conversion dialog, and you’ll see a new toggle at the top which lets you decide whether Convertri treats and (for example) as different links for conversion purposes. This also means you can use tools like Click Magick, which depend on rewriting URLs.

Shipping – you can now offer different shipping costs for different quantities of your items, so that you don’t end up out of pocket. When setting up your Shipping options, just enter a secondary shipping cost that will be added on for each subsequent item.

Forms – there is now a “not in the US” option for the State dropdown in address form fields, for all your non-American customers.

WebP images – we now support WebP image uploads, so use them with abandon to make your pages look great.

Debug – something acting weird? Now you can switch off custom scripts and code on your page to narrow down what might be causing the problem. Click the new Debug button (to the left of Help) and you’ll see a dropdown allowing you to deactivate custom scripts, custom HTML, and custom CSS.

Scripts – if you want scripts on most of the pages in your funnel, but not all, we’ve added an option for you. In the Custom Scripts dialog, each script now has a toggle which can be used to activate/deactivate the script on that page only.

Analytics – the work we’ve done on the analytics cluster has meant that the analytics screens should now be a lot faster to load. Now you’ll be able to see your metrics without having to wait anywhere near as long.


Downloads – if you added a PDF file to your page for download, and that PDF had double spaces in its name, anyone who tried to download it would end up with a 404 error. We fixed the bug, so you can name your files exactly what you want with no problems.

Conversions – the conversion rates shown on the page card weren’t matching the popup list in the conversion details screen. It’s now fixed.

Share codes – if you tried importing a page using a sharecode, you’d get an error message and the modal wouldn’t close. If you closed the modal yourself, it would look like the page was not imported – but refresh the page, and it would magically appear in your funnel. We’ve put an end to the magic show, and now your sharecode pages will import as normal.

Analytics – funnel analytics weren’t displaying correctly for funnels with more than 10 pages. We’ve fixed that now.

Clickfunnels – if you were trying to use Clickfunnels with the Page Importer, you may have gotten a really nasty looking error to do with Cloudflare. Worry not – we’ve fixed the issue, so now you can import your pages as normal.

Z order – if you cloned elements inside panels onto another page, the order of the elements might not have been preserved and so they stack weirdly and have to be reordered every time. That’s not a good use of your time, so we fixed it.

Quizitri – when you place a Quizitri code embed in an HTML element, it looks fine in the editor. However, on the live page it just shows a snippet of code. This is obviously not what’s expected, so we fixed it.

Split testing – we’ve had reports of conversions acting weirdly on split tests. We have now fixed the weirdness.


Element Tree Overview – 

How to Use the Element Tree to Swap Elements – 

What do you think about our new Element Tree? Have you used it yet, and do you have any suggestions about how we can make it even better? Tell us below!