Convertri Updates – 02/07/19

Today, we have a pretty big feature release a LOT of you have been asking about – we are delighted to say we’ve made some changes to forms notifications that should make running your Convertri agency a whole lot more streamlined… Meanwhile, let’s get to the real news. It’s ROASTING. Europe is melting under one […]

Convertri Updates – 25/06/19

Technical tweaks and developer jiggery-pokery abound in this week’s installment of Convertri updates. More information is the name of the game, with API and IP address updates that may just knock your socks off… if you’re into that kind of thing. Meanwhile, I’m still manning the phone desk, awaiting your call. If you have any […]

Convertri Updates – 18/06/19

A nice, quiet week here at Convertri. How are you? It’s nice to take a minute just to chill. Speaking of catching-up, don’t forget that if you have any suggestions, comments or feedback about how we can improve the Convertri experience for your lovely self, you can book a call here: Choose a slot, […]

Convertri Updates – 11/06/19

It’s all about forms this week at Convertri. From notifications to validation, we help you build the fanciest forms to collect all the data you need. And with a couple form-y updates this week, you’ll be finding it even easier. Which leaves more time for fun in the sun, amirite? Just hit CTRL+SHIFT+R – or […]

Convertri Updates – 04/06/19

You know when you’re waiting for a bus, and three come along at once? This week, to complement the recent MailerLite arrival, we’ve got a couple more integrations for you to help you send email notifications to your customers quickly and easily, using the service you already love. Not only that… but we’ve implemented a […]

Convertri Updates – 21/05/19

Today we’re welcoming a brand new integration to our little family: Say hello to MailerLite! MailerLite is an autoresponder you can use to build and keep in touch with your lists. And now it’s part of the Convertri clan, it’s easier than ever to plug into your sales funnels. Just head to the Account screen […]