Convertri Update – 17/12/19

Seasons flow into each other almost imperceptibly: trees lose one or two leaves, the air blows a little colder one autumn afternoon, the first snowfall arrives before you know it. Unless you live in Scotland, like me, where winter often barges its way in like the uncle no one likes: with a loud, phlegmy cough, […]

Convertri Updates – 03/12/19

Who else has a turkey day hangover? I’m not talking alcohol related – although if you did manage a cheeky pint or three before the carbs soaked it all up, well done to you. I’m talking about the special kind of food hangover that you feel after way too much stuffing (literally). Where your headache […]

Convertri Updates – 26/11/19

What are you thankful for? ‘Tis the season for thankfulness, at least in the States. Over in the UK we’re still trying to get the gunpowder smell out of our clothes and hosing rotten pumpkins off our porch, but I’m happy to say that in my case we’re giving the other November holiday a go […]

Convertri Updates – 19/11/19

Apricity (n) – the warmth of the sun in winter; a crisp, bright, chilly feeling you get from November-January. My other favourite wintry words: heimal (of or relating to winter), subnivean (under or below the snow), brumation (sluggishness or torpor exhibited by cold-blooded reptiles during winter), and sitzmark (an impression left upon the snow when […]

Convertri Updates – 05/11/19

Remember, remember, the 5th of November, For features as well as for treason – Here at Convertri we squash bugs overtly So you can celebrate all of these reasons! Yes, it’s that time of year again – cute layered scarves are out, thermal underwear, two pairs of gloves and de-icing your windscreen with a credit […]

Convertri Updates – 29/10/19

Hi and welcome to our new users! This is our weekly Convertri update, where you can learn about all the new features and bug fixes that have happened lately. After our bumper updates over the last couple weeks, it’s finally time to catch our breath and explore the new features. The new Presto player seems […]