Convertri Updates – 01/09/20

How does a word arranger, just a stranger (although executive) Find inspiration among the perspiration of writing a weekly email To keep it fresh for the followers? And not as hollow as Perhaps some of our competition… I’ve gotta say it’s a mission. But hey, I’ve got a secret up my sleeve, you’ll want to […]

Convertri Updates – 25/08/20

No one trusts what does not cast a shadow. Vampires not only cast no reflection, but historically they cast no shadow, either. (Especially in sunlight.) Peter Pan’s shadow has a life of its own and he has to sew it back onto his feet, which is pretty traumatising for an audience of small children. Put […]

Convertri Update – 18/08/20

One month to go until pumpkin spice latte season! (Not that I’m counting.) Spiritually, it’s always October 31st for me. That isn’t to say this year isn’t racing on, and with Q4 looming on our horizons we can safely say things are ticking over pretty well here at Convertri HQ. Bugs are being squashed, features […]

Convertri Updates – 11/08/20

I got my cake! After a bunch of birthday shenanigans I’m raring to get back to work, a little bit older, not a lot wiser, but just in time for a very exciting PayPal update which should make life easier for a lot of you. In other news, Rob and Kennedy from the E-mail Marketing […]

Convertri Updates – 28/07/20

The one thing you’ve been waiting for… One reason you’ve been opening these emails for however many weeks… That one little word you skim-read these emails (it’s fine, I know) hoping to find… …Is finally here. This is it, guys. You’ll be able to use PayPal from this week on. (Pause for elation.) 🎉 And […]

Convertri Updates – 14/07/20

It’s been a super busy week here at Convertri HQ. Our devs are hard at work behind the scenes twiddling code, finagling wireframes and wrangling errant bits of API (or at least, that’s how I understand it). It means we’ve got some big stuff going on, but it’s not quite ready yet. So if you’re […]