Convertri Updates – 02/01/24

Who else is still feeling a little… fragile? We’ll say the next part quietly: we’ve got some great Convertri updates for you straight out the gate to get your 2024 off to a great start! First of all we’ve added the ability to have multiple bump sales on one page, which is a pretty great […]

Convertri Updates 19/12/23

It’s our last update before the big day—or, if you don’t celebrate Christmas, that one day a year a ton of people go kooky for caroling and insist they enjoy things like mincemeat and Brussels sprouts. Quite honestly, while it has lost a lot of its original meaning, Yuletide remains a cracking excuse to take […]

Convertri Updates – 12/12/23

It’s a great haul for you guys this week, as we have updates to bring you joy across your moving and non-moving media. Images and videos have been given extra add-ons to help you sort, find, store and organise your collection so you can add them to your pages easier. We also have a bug […]

Convertri Updates – 05/12/23

When you need information that doesn’t fit neatly into a pre-filled form field, you need a custom solution. With custom form fields you can collect any info you like: favourite colours, mother’s maiden names, first pets, ideas, suggestions, and more. However, on your Prospects screen, this may not have always been as useful as you […]

Convertri Updates – 28/11/23

Last week, good stuff came in small packages. Today, good stuff comes for FREE. Before now, the minimum price you could set on products was $0.50, because Stripe requires a minimum charge of $0.50. The good news is, the total charge is now a combination of product, shipping, and taxes, so it’s possible for your […]

Convertri Updates – 21/11/2023

Good things come in small packages this week… We have a mini update for you that brings us not only a new feature but a help doc update, a webinar replay, and a kickass bug fact! Traditionally at this time of year, our focus turns inwards as we celebrate our loved ones around the holidays […]