Convertri Updates – 04/03/25

Happy Tuesday! Your Converti update is here!  Trigger Timed Actions to Boost Engagement  Do you want to make text and images appear and disappear from your Convertri pages? It’s not magic, and no coding is required!  Timed actions shape your user journey, capturing your site visitors’ attention and boosting their engagement with your content. This […]

Convertri Updates – 25/02/25

Happy Tuesday! Your weekly Convertri update is here!  Create New Sections Without Design Dilemmas Today’s tip shows you how to add a new section between existing elements without disrupting your page layout. Shift elements such as images and textboxes to create space, without messing up the rest of your carefully-crafted landing page! Page-building and editing […]

Convertri Updates – 18/02/25

Happy Tuesday! Your weekly Converti update is here!  Create Timed Video Elements You can choose the exact moment in your videos that an element appears on your landing page, with no coding required!  This simple Convertri trick will help you boost engagement and guide your visitors exactly where you want them.  Watch our team’s short […]

Convertri Updates – 11/02/25

Happy Tuesday! Your weekly Converti update is here!  Making The Most Out of the Properties Panel Ever wondered how to make the most out of Convertri’s element properties? Unlock the full potential of your designs by mastering the General Properties panel! Our latest guide breaks down everything from naming elements for easy navigation to fine-tuning […]

Convertri Updates – 04/02/25

Happy Tuesday! Your weekly Converti update is here!  Following Up After Form Notifications Have you received a form notification from Convertri? That means someone just filled out a form on your page… great news! Now, it’s time to make sure your responses reach the right person.  Staying on top of your leads is simple… the […]

Convertri Updates – 28/01/25

Happy Tuesday! Your Converti update is here! Trouble Tabbing Through Form Fields? Do you ever encounter issues when tabbing through form fields? It might be caused by the order you add fields to your canvas! The Convertri support team explains our quick fix for form fields friction in this step-by-step video guide! Watch the instructional […]