Inclusivity: How to Use This Trend in Marketing

Inclusivity isn’t just good practice in everyday life – it can also boost your marketing. In 2021 and beyond, we don’t need to tell you about the significance of  diversity and inclusiveness. But now, way beyond political discussion, being inclusive has actually been proven to drive real sales. How is this happening? And why? Let’s find out. What […]

16 Email Subject Lines and Why They Work

According to Oberlo, emails have the highest return on investment with every $1 spent on email marketing having an average return of $32. Email marketing is a surefire favourite among marketers because it is easy to plan and deploy, flexible, and you can take your list to any platform you choose. But naturally, all that good stuff depends on […]

What Google Algorithm Updates Mean

Google changes its algorithm – the behind-the-scenes math which allows Google to find, rank and return the most relevant pages for a certain search query – fairly often. If you’re a marketer, and you’re savvy to the fact that you should be paying attention to Google algorithm updates (which you should) it can seem like these […]

How to Create a Digital Business Plan

“Business plans.” Boring, right? Not so. A good business plan makes success more likely. A good business plan is the compass that helps steer your ship through a storm. And it makes you feel incredibly professional when you write one. In a nutshell, a business plan is a written document that describes your business. It […]

Companies Are Now Liable for Facebook Comments in Australia

Australia has ruled that media companies can be held liable for defamatory comments by readers on their social media posts. This is a big development for anyone with a Facebook presence, so even if you’re not in Australia, it’ll pay to keep up to date on this latest development. This ruling is a result of […]

The Best KPI’s for Your Website

Key Performance Indicators – everyone loves to talk about them, not everyone knows how to use them effectively. Plainly speaking, KPI is the unit of measurement you need to use to find out how awesome your website is. You define the KPI’s, and whether you’re hitting them or not tells you how well your business […]