Convertri Updates – 19/09/23

Convertri Updates – 19/09/23

We’ve got a range of awesome updates this week to our Prospects screen.

The Prospects screen is where you’ll find a record of people who have purchased from you, and how much they’ve spent.  If you’re a Pro or Agency user, you’ll also be able to see a record of anyone who’s signed up to one of your API forms here.

In it, we’ve added a bunch of extra info for you so you have more context about your sign ups. We’ve also got a couple of bug fixes for you, which should help make your life easier.

Let’s dive in:


Prospects: date – we’ve added the date a prospect signed up to the Prospect details screen, so you get more information about your sign ups.

Prospects: URL – we’ve also added the source URL a prospect signed up from into the Prospect details, so you can see where they were when they decided to sign up.

Prospects: history –  someone might sign up to your list multiple times with the same email, or sign up and buy a product and then sign up to a different list. We’ve added a section to the Prospects screen that tells you this info.


AWeber – integrations with this autoresponder service may have failed sometimes. We’ve updated how it works with Convertri, so it should be much more reliable. You’ll need to reauthenticate AWeber to get the new integration.  Don’t worry, your pages won’t require republishing afterward, they’ll connect again automatically.

Taxes – your tax report may have displayed 0 for both Volume and ‘Tax Taken’ columns even if you have orders with applied taxes. We’ve fixed this now.


We’ve given a little update to the How to Export a Page to HTML doc.


This week in the Facebook group, Cynthia sparks a great discussion about the best domain hosts:

And on this day in history, we’re celebrating the life of English author Jackie Collins, who passed away on this day in 2015 aged 77. Do you write books? If so, did you know you can give away your first chapter for free with Convertri? Find out how here:

Happy converting!


Executive Word Arranger at Convertri