Convertri Updates – 22/08/23

Convertri Updates – 22/08/23

Happy Tuesday, Convertri fans!

We’ve got a couple of excellent and nifty features for you this week, including changes to how full-width images work and the ability to redirect viewers to a new page once a video ends.

While these features may look small in size, we hope they lead to some big improvements in how quickly and easily you’re able to build your pages.

Also, things look like they’re running nice and smoothly lately (touch wood) so there’s no bug fixes for you this week, but some great news from the bug world!

Read on to discover everything that’s been happening around Convertri this week:


Image windowing – when you add a full width image, there used to be no real way of controlling which part of the image would show on screen. We based the auto-crop on the middle of the image, which is fine for landscapes, but if your image contained faces or details near the top or bottom edges they may have been cut off. Now, we’ve added a feature that lets you control what part of the image is focused on: top, middle or bottom. Just make your image full width, and head to Cropping in the Properties panel to adjust the focus.

Video forwarding – sometimes, it can be useful to automatically redirect your viewers to a new page at the end of a video. If you have to persuade the user to click a button to move on, they might not always want to, and automatic forwarding means your message is more likely to be seen. In your videos Properties panel, you’ll now see a Redirect on Expiry option which lets you enter the URL you want your viewers taken to once the video ends. This was a suggestion from one of our users, so thank you so much for your idea!


None this week, but here’s an interesting bug fact: a tiny river fly, known as “scarce yellow sally”, was thought to have died out a few decades ago – but a small number of survivors were discovered in the River Dee in the UK. They are now being bred in captivity at Chester Zoo, with plans to release them back into the wild once the river is healthy enough for them to thrive.


We’ve updated the following help docs:

  • How to Use the Page Builder
  • How to Use the Mobile Page Builder


Alexa’s back to give us a tour around the Image Manager:

And on this day in history, The Scream (1893), a painting by Edvard Munch, was stolen from the Munch Museum in Oslo, Norway in 2004. But don’t worry – it was recovered two years later. To keep your prospects’ details protected from ne’er-do-wells, learn how to set up SSL here:

Happy converting!


Executive Word Arranger at Convertri