Convertri Updates – 25/04/23

Convertri Updates – 25/04/23

Good morning, Convertri fans! We’ve got a bumper update for you this week, so without any further ado let’s dive on in:


Membership support – we’ve added a Support link to your membership site, which you can toggle on and off in Settings. This lets you set an email address members can use to get in touch with yourself if they have any problems or queries.

Membership emails – before now, any replies to automatic emails sent out to your membership site members would go back to  This wasn’t great, because if your members had questions they may not get the answers they need. We now force replies to these automatic emails to go back to the email address associated with your account.


Keap – the Keap Max Classic integration kept losing connection within 24 hours of integrating it. We’ve fixed this now.

Headers and footers – the number of pages with shared headers and footers was showing at zero, even if this wasn’t the case. We’ve fixed this now.

Memberships: loading – members were being hidden while the manager loaded, making it look as if you had no members until they suddenly appeared. We’ve fixed this.

Memberships: adding members – when you added a new member you may have been redirected to the Modules screen, not back to the Members screen. We’ve fixed this.

Memberships: error message – we got the support email wrong in one of our error messages used in membership sites. We’ve fixed it now.


We’ve made updates to the following help docs, which can be found in the Knowledgebase:

  • How to Add a File for Download
  • How to Add a Hamburger Menu
  • How to Add a Menu Element
  • How to Embed Facebook Comments
  • How to Use Panels
  • How to Add a Title to an Image
  • How to Add an Image
  • How to Add Images from Pixabay
  • How to Adjust Image Compression
  • How to Create a Parallax Effect
  • How to Replace an Image
  • How to Use Image Folders
  • How to Hyperlink Text
  • Memberships – How to Add Lesson Content
  • Memberships – How to Customize a Theme


In the Facebook group this week, Alexandra shows us how to use the built-in video player:

And on this day in history, the Hubble telescope was sent into orbit in 1990. A sophisticated optical observatory, it receives images of much greater brightness, clarity, and detail than ground-based telescopes and helps us see far-off objects in space. But you don’t need the Hubble to make your text readable on mobile – find out how to change the default text sizing here:

Happy converting!


Executive Word Arranger at Convertri