Convertri Updates – 11/10/22

Convertri Updates – 11/10/22

I like to think these emails share good news to those who want to hear it.

And this week, we’re releasing a feature which lets you do the same.

If you’ve ever wanted to send form submission notifications to more than one person, you’re going to want to read this email, because (spoiler alert) – we’ve added a way for you to do that.

Plus, we’ve got a bunch of bug fixes that should take care of some little headaches you may have encountered while using Convertri.

Read on to discover what’s new:


Form notifications  – you can now send form notification emails to multiple email addresses, so you can send one to your client (or anybody who wants one) and also have one sent to yourself. Just head to the Account screen, and then in the Email Form Configuration section, click on Manage Emails.

Page settings: mobile grouping – last week, we announced that we’re rolling out a solution which will let you adjust page settings at Account level. The second of these is mobile grouping (whether element grouping affects the mobilisation algorithm or not). Head over to the new option in the Accounts screen.


Analytics – date ranges for analytics weren’t calculating properly. We fixed it.

DNS records – the SPF record type is now obsolete, but you could still add one to your domain. To avoid confusion and help things run smoother, we’ve kept in the SPF option but the data entered will be converted to TXT record instead.

Buttons on mobile – buttons were being given a default mobile height of 30px, regardless of the text that’s inside them.  That led to some strange auto-mobilisations. We’ve fixed it.

Text background – if your text element had a gradient background, the background may not have shown in the mobile editor, even though it was fine on the mobile page. We fixed it.

Keap (formerly Infusionsoft) – Keap integrations may have taken minutes to retrieve information for fields. The issue has now been fixed, and it should happen a lot faster.


Yesterday, Alexandra shared some awesome tricks and tips about our countdown timers:

And on this day in history, John Lennon’s “Imagine” was released in 1971. An iconic song of hope and peace, it’s arguably the best-known work of his solo career. Did you know that you no longer have to imagine how your sales funnels will perform? With Simulatri, you can model conversions, predict the future, and set yourself up for success. Find out more here:

Happy converting!


Executive Word Arranger at Convertri