Convertri Updates – 28/06/22

Convertri Updates – 28/06/22

You can’t argue with the little things, because it’s the little things that make up life.

That’s a quote from my favourite east-coast-seizing, hammock-loving supervillain, Hank Scorpio.

However, he’s right – the little things grease the wheel, keep everything moving along smoothly.

And this week, we’ve got an update for you packed with little tweaks and improvements to make your life easier. No huge, shiny features this week: more of those will be coming at some point in the near future.

So, check out our bug fixes and Facebook group updates below. We hope you’re having a fantastic week.


Integrations – we’ve made a few updates to our third party integrations such as switching out old logos and updating app names: this is so we stay current, and you’re always sure which service you’re integrating.


Menus – external links on menu elements weren’t being counted towards conversions. We’ve fixed this, so now your analytics will be nice and accurate.

Funnel arrows – when using Move To on a page card, the arrows were not being removed correctly. This meant the arrow still existed, even if both the source and target page cards were moved to the same funnel. Now, whenever you move a page to another funnel, the arrows won’t follow, which is what was supposed to happen.

Form widget – when you add a new step to the form widget and create a two step checkout, then change the button mode to purchase, weird things may have happened. The PayPal button may have appeared on the first step where it shouldn’t, but only in the editor, for example. Credit card inputs being narrower than they should be. The Back button being squished. We’ve fixed all this funhouse mirror weirdness, and now everything looks like it’s supposed to.

Dropdown fields – we’ve also updated dropdowns in the form widget to be labelled clearer.

Conversions – the ‘Treat different query strings as separate links’ toggle wasn’t working on the Conversion Details screen, and was showing an error. We fixed that now.


Our very own Neil will be giving a talk on 28th-29th June at INBOX 2022, an online summit run by the E-mail Marketing Heroes, Rob and Kennedy. As an established and accomplished copywriter, the title of his talk is Good Copy Doesn’t Matter (he needs to explain himself). Find out how you can watch it here:

Mike Major has shared a couple of fantastic methods for making wavy dividers in your Convertri pages:

And on this day in history, Archduke Franz Ferdinand, heir to the Austro-Hungarian throne, and his consort, Sophie, were assassinated by Gavrilo Princip in Sarajevo, Bosnia on 28th June 1914, precipitating the outbreak of World War I. But, perhaps even more famously, he became the namesake of a blindingly good Glaswegian music group. Celebrate both by embedding some excellent Scottish post-punk-revival-rock on your page – find out how to do that here:

Stay safe, and happy converting!


Executive Word Arranger at Convertri