Convertri Updates – 19/04/22

Convertri Updates – 19/04/22

This week, we’ve made some significant changes to the way we deliver your videos in Convertri.

Our devs have been hard at work making improvements to encoding speed and reliability, which means you should encounter fewer failures when uploading new videos and they will be ready to use faster.

Autoplay times are also improved, with less delay between the page loading and the video autoplaying. 

(Of course, this is still subject to browser restrictions such as not being able to autoplay with sound until you switch that on.)

The seek times have also improved, letting you navigate around the video a lot quicker. Our previous implementation had one main drawback, which was that jumping around the video came with some delay.  It’s now a lot smoother to click or drag the playback tracker bar while the video continues to play.

Existing videos, already published, are still on the old infrastructure and will gradually be migrated across.  Want to try out our new, smoother experience sooner? Feel free to reupload your videos to try it out, and don’t forget to republish those pages.

These new video improvements have been heavily tested but should be considered beta for a couple of weeks.  As always, please contact if you encounter any issues.

Read on to discover what else is new around Convertri HQ.


Video improvements – so many video improvements! To recap, we’ve made things better, faster, smoother, stronger, and altogether awesome-r. Encoding, autoplay and seek times have all been improved, and you should encounter fewer uploading failures and navigate around the video a lot quicker. Existing videos will be migrated across, but if you want to see the changes faster, simply reupload your videos and republish those pages to see the improvements.


Shadows – an issue with shadows settings may have prevented your pages from publishing. We’ve banished those issues to the shadow realm.

Fixed backgrounds – our fixed background feature (used to create our parallax effect) weren’t working correctly. They have now been unstuck.

Checkboxes – even if you set the Checkbox element to “required”, it might not have shown an error when left unchecked. We’ve reminded it what its job is, and now it does it properly.

Domain Access Permissions – the Toggle All button in the Domain Access Permissions modal wasn’t working properly. It does now.

Stripe test mode – if you had only Stripe test keys integrated and set the checkout to ‘live mode’ within the product modal in the editor, the purchase button goes really thin. That was weird, so we reinflated it.

Stripe live mode – and, if you had only Stripe test keys integrated and set the checkout to ‘test mode’, then the purchase button may have shown the card icon on the live page and not in the editor. We’ve fixed this, too.


On this day in history,  the Simpsons first appeared as a series of shorts on The Tracey Ullman Show, first starting with “Good Night” in 1987. The show would go on to become the longest-running American animated series, longest-running American sitcom, and the longest-running American scripted primetime television series, with 723 episodes at time of writing. Start your own long-running cartoon series and host it on Convertri (original please, we don’t want copyright fights!) with our brand new video improvements – find out how over here:

Stay safe, and happy converting!


Executive Word Arranger at Convertri