Your FREE 10x ROAS offer page template…

Your FREE 10x ROAS offer page template…

… and a complete break down of how it works!

Last week I showed you our 10X ROAS offer strategy.

Target people who are product aware and make them a special offer.

Move them from “I want to buy” to “I want to buy NOW”.

I asked who would like a copy of the offer page we use and the answer was … EVERYONE!

Here’s the offer page template we’re going to use (keep reading for the share link for it):

Now I’m going to show you how to fill it in!

Remember, the people we target already know about the product. The mistake everyone makes on a page like this is to try and explain the PRODUCT again.This page only needs to explain the OFFER.

Everything you need will already be on the original sales page. Doesn’t matter whether it’s your own or you’re an affiliate. No need to write your own copy, just go through the existing sales page and find the key benefits and testimonial for the product.

Headline – Link the offer/saving to the biggest benefit. Don’t get cute. Throw out all those story based headlines and sell the offer.

Bullets – The next 3 best feature/benefit/advantage bullets you can find on the original sales page.

Hero Image – Take a box shot, logo etc from the sales page. Whatever makes the product look as impressive as possible.

Testimonials – Take the 3 best short snippets out of testimonials from the page. No need for the full thing if they’re long, just snip out the best sentence from 3 of them and a name+image.

Buy buttons – Make them big and bold.

Extra credit assignment – If the offer is linked to a deadline, get a countdown timer on the page. This is rare with paid traffic so it’s not in the base template but if you can it’ll sky rocket conversions.

Congrats, your offer template is now stuffed with conversion factors.


Here’s the share link to import it into your Convertri account –

Got questions? Want more content like this? Drop me a comment and let me know!

CEO of Convertri