Convertri Updates – 15/02/22

Convertri Updates – 15/02/22

Is… is there a whiff of springtime in the air?

(Don’t whisper too loud, you’ll scare it off.)

A long, super mild winter seems to have ended in gale force winds here in the UK, blowing out the cobwebs, brushing dead leaves off burgeoning daffodils, and bringing down fences all over the shop.

Transitions are never easy.

But daylight savings are on the horizon, and if we can juuuust make it through the next couple of weeks, things are beginning to look very bright indeed.

Not least because we’ve got an excellent roundup of new features, a bug fix and some stellar posts from our Facebook group this week.

So, let’s dive in and see what’s been going on around Convertri HQ.


Actions and Events – we already have a ‘scroll into viewport’ trigger for the top and bottom of elements, and we received a user request for ‘scroll out of viewport’ as well. We thought that was a great idea, so we’ve done it. You’ll now be able to choose ‘scroll out of viewport’ as a trigger, to aid in the creation of funky effects such as sticky headers which appear after the equivalent bit of your website has scrolled out of view.

Cookie consent – Convertri has an automatic cookie consent footer you can use which will stop any script you’ve marked as requiring consent from running until your visitor has clicked the ‘OK’ button. However, until now there was no way for prospects to close the footer without accepting the cookies. We’ve now added a button that lets your users close the cookie consent footer without consenting to the cookies.

Privacy policies – we’ve also given you the ability to link to your Privacy Policy within the cookie footer as well. In the cookie consent set up, you’ll be able to add your Privacy Policy link that will show on the footer.


Mobile – some pages were showing their desktop versions on mobile. We’ve reminded them which is which, so now the problem is fixed.


Harsha Argawal shared a very useful sales page checklist in the Facebook group, which you can view here:

Alex shows us how to target any niche with YouTube ads in his informative post, which you can view over here:

On the blog, we explore subscription economies and how you can add recurring payments to your Convertri products and build a thriving subscription business:

And on this day, 17 years ago, YouTube had its very first day in business. Now with 2 billion users, it’s the most popular video sharing platform on the planet. It’s easy to display your video creations on Convertri – find out how here:

Stay safe, and happy converting!


Executive Word Arranger at Convertri