Convertri Updates – 20/01/22

Convertri Updates – 20/01/22

Did you know this week it was Blue Monday?

We can thank Sky Travel, a UK travel company, for this idea, said to be the most depressing day of the year. The concept was first published in a 2005 press release from the company, which claimed to have calculated the date using an “equation”.

Apparently, factors including weather conditions, debt from the festive months, time since Christmas, failing new year’s resolutions and low motivational levels from going back to work makes us unhappy every third Monday in January.

We prefer a positive outlook. Things can only get better from here!

And while we’re a little late, we hope you had a not-so-blue Monday and can offer you some updates that will instead turn your week a pleasing and uplifting shade of turquoise.

In the spirit of being not so blue, we want to hear about your biggest success stories with Convertri – have you reached your sales target for the year, or even just published your first ever funnel? Tell Dan in his Facebook post here:

As updates go, here’s what we’ve got for you:


Funnel Designer: Scenarios – you may use scenarios for ‘optimistic’ or ‘pessimistic’ change each element individually to model that. We’ve added scenario-wide adjustment so you’ll be able to control traffic, conversion and other factors from a birds’-eye level. Find it in the new Figures menu in the top toolbar.

Funnel Designer: Bump Offers – you can now add bump offers, i.e. extra products a prospect can add to their order, to your funnel designs. Bump offers are extra products a prospect can add to their order. When a bump offer is taken, the purchase price is increased, but prospects are still sent to the same upsell page.

Funnel Designer: Refunds – you can now add a refund rate to your products, because it happens to the best of us. You’ll be able to see the refund value as a separate line in the breakdown and analysis.


Funnel Designer: Analytics – an extra click was being added to Clicks Generated in the 30-Day Projection in some cases. We’ve given the clicker a good shake and it’ll be accurate from now on.

Gradients – gradient settings for some users were reset back to solid during a recent update, which was terribly inconvenient. We’ve watered down the paint so your gradients should now look normal.

Orders – you may have only been able to download your orders .CSV file a page at a time, the amount depending on how many results you have selected per page, so either 10, 25, 50 or 100. You should be able to download all your orders at once, so we’ve made it so.

Sticky videos – sticky videos were being hidden by panels when a shared header was on the page. This wasn’t right: sticky videos should always be visible, as that’s what makes them “sticky”. We’ve added another coat of glue and now they stick just fine.

Text elements – text elements were overlapping in mobile views even though they looked fine in the editor. This only happened after the page was published. Turns out some glue spilled over – we wiped them down, and now your text elements won’t stick together any more.


Jane (not our Jane, a different Jane) made bank with social commerce recently. What is social commerce, you ask? It’s all explained on our latest blog post:

Jane (not the brand Jane, our Jane) posted a really useful video update of this week’s Funnel Designer updates, and you can view them in the Facebook group:

On this day in 1943, the United States banned sliced bread to save on the costs of labour and equipment during World War II. Pre-sliced bread was only invented twenty years earlier, when Betty White was already six years old, giving rise to the saying “Betty White was older than sliced bread”.

Celebrate friendship, togetherness and carbs In memory of the Golden Girl herself by grouping your elements together in a fine loaf. Learn how to group elements here:

Stay safe, and happy converting!


Executive Word Arranger at Convertri