December Updates

December Updates

December’s been a bumper month of updates, so check this month’s post for a handy round-up of everything that’s gone on.

We’ve got lots of updates for our funnel designer this month, but we’ve also made some tweaks to the editor to make it easier for you to use.

And as always, there’s a few bugs that have been squished, as well as our fondest wishes for Christmas!

Here’s what’s been added to the app in December:

Product elements – in the funnel designer, products can be added to certain pages. When this happens, you can see what product is attached in the Properties Panel, but it’s not obvious from the funnel design itself. So, we’ve made pages automatically rename to the name of the attached product, unless you’ve already given it a name yourself.

Funnel designer elements – you can now add elements into the middle of your funnel design more easily, by shift+dragging horizontally to move large blocks of elements at once. When you do this, every element whose right edge is to the right of the left edge of the element being dragged is also moved along to make space.

Funnel proposals – you can now add extra scenarios into your funnel designer proposal documents to show your client that you’ve considered contingencies or the effect of different assumptions, and look like an absolutely boss superstar.

Text elements – in the Page Editor, text elements will now automatically expand any containers and adjust the position of any elements below them as they grow, so you don’t have to rearrange your whole page if you need to write more paragraphs than expected.

Containment – a common irk when mobilising pages is that what you think was contained in a panel sometimes isn’t, as one of your elements might be slightly outside the container without you noticing. It’s annoying when this happens, as you either have to remobilise or rearrange a load of stuff manually. Now, we’ve extended containment so that an element’s ‘contained’ area extends 10px from the boundaries. Anything fully enclosed in this wider area will be treated as contained, with all associated effects.

Snap lines – you can now set these at a custom distance rather than the default 10px. Just head on over to the Display menu to do so.

Funnel designer – metrics for multiple scenarios are now shown in the proposals you generate in the funnel designer, so your clients can easily compare between them.

Mobile version – we’ve adjusted behind-the-scenes page construction so there are no longer duplicate text elements used for mobile and desktop.

Scripts – script indicators have now been added to funnel, domain and account level scripts in the Custom Scripts area of the editor. This means you can check which scripts added at these levels are actually live on the published page.

Arrows – in the funnel designer, Traffic elements could have arrows attached to them, even though these elements shouldn’t be able to do that. We’ve reminded it: no arrows for you, Traffic.

Building funnels – Chrome was blocking our confirmation messages when you successfully built a new funnel in the funnel designer, and you may not have been aware as the new funnel may have been blocked from opening in a new tab. We’ll now show an alert with a button for you to click to visit your new funnel.

Split paths – hits and conversions weren’t being properly propagated through funnel designer elements when a split path was used. For example, if your autoresponder sends some traffic back to a sales page, it might show correctly on the sales page but not on a subsequent upsell page. We’ve fixed the blockage, and now the analytics flow freely.

Funnel designer – if you had reached your page or funnel limits and tried to click Build in the Funnel Designer, the operation was just failing. Now, we’ve added a message to let you know when you’ve hit your limit.

Custom 404’s – these pages weren’t displaying properly. Instead, you would see the Convertri 404. This has been fixed.

Images – image outlines were shown briefly when pages loaded, this has also been fixed.

Headers and footers – if you didn’t access the mobile view before publishing, shared headers and footers wouldn’t show up on mobile. That was weird, so we fixed it.

Shared footers – the shared footer was appearing at 50000px down the page when it was toggled to On, rather than after the lowest element. Switching it off and on again fixed it, but we’ve made it so it won’t happen in the first place.

Submit – the Submit buttons were showing a different image when published. Now they’re fine.

Values – non-integer values in inputs like border-width or shadow size were causing publishing to break. This has been fixed, and now we just round off integers.

Orders – some users are reaching the point where they have so many orders the screen collapses before it can load. Congratulations! We’ve paginated the Orders screen, so you can access order info or cancel subscriptions when you need to.