Convertri Updates – 07/05/19

Convertri Updates – 07/05/19

A new form field type this week should keep your contact forms ticking over nicely.

It’s the perfect way to collect feedback, testimonials, or details about a job quote.

Of course, mapping your form fields to their inputs is essential – so if you’ve never done it before, here’s a quick rundown.

Convertri forms have two moving parts. The behind the scenes sorcery known as form configuration, and form inputs, which are the boxes your prospect fills out on your published page. They “talk” to one another through the magical language of form field types.

Form configuration lets your autoresponder, webinar service, or Convertri’s form to email wizard know what kind of information you want to collect.

Mapping your form inputs lets you know which parts of that information should go in what box. This is so your information is sorted correctly on the other end – so you can see all your shipping addresses at once in Mailchimp, or sort your subscribers by name, for example. Mapping form fields is also useful for when you want to use form field validation (checking an email is in the format “” and not just random text).

Even if you only have one or two fields, you need to map your form inputs otherwise the form won’t send the information.

Think of it like hooking up some old speakers to your TV. Red plug was for the left speaker, and it went in the red socket. Yellow was for the right speaker, in the yellow socket.

(In this analogy, your form field type is the cable. It needs to be mapped to (plugged into) both a form input element on the page (one end of the cable) and an autoresponder/webinar field in form configuration (the other end of the cable).)

Makes sense, right? One day, I switched the plugs.

I hooked up red to yellow, and the left audio would come out the right speaker… so whenever the T-rex ran offscreen stage left, the screams and chomping were coming from the right.

Everything went out of whack.

Anyway, the moral of the story is, if you hook up your Name field to your Email input, a T-rex will eat your subscribers.

Err on the side of caution, people.

Let life uh, uh, find a way by hitting CTRL+SHIFT+R – or CMD+SHIFT+R if you’re on a Mac to refresh the updates:


The How to Add Scripts doc has been edited for clarity, and now contains an updated screenshot. View it here:

How to Add Scripts –

We’ve also added a new help doc that helps you view and track page views and conversions:

Page Analytics Overview –


Form Fields – there’s a new form input type available, called Notes. This is a generic field type to allow you to collect whatever information you desire (especially info that doesn’t fall into the existing categories). It’s great for mapping to Textarea form field inputs, and it means you don’t have to choose something like Shipping Address to classify extra information you collect. Find out more about forms here.

Page templates [PRO] –

A brand new funnel this week, focused on subscriptions and subterfuge. It’s classy as heck, and perfect for membership sites and courses:

Secret Subscription Funnel (2-step opt-in)

Secret Subscription Funnel (video 2-step opt-in)


ActiveCampaign – this API uses the contact_add call, which only creates new contacts, but would fail to update existing contacts with expanded information. This meant duplicate emails would make the API break. We now use contact_sync, which works a lot better, and you shouldn’t experience any more problems.

Happy converting!


Executive Word Arranger at Convertri