Convertri Updates – 05/02/19

Convertri Updates – 05/02/19

I thought nothing Convertri could do would shock me any more.

Woke up this morning thinking, “I’ve been writing these emails for a good while, the app’s in a great place features-wise, this is just going to be a normal Tuesday.”


(Not that normal Tuesdays happen around here: I just thought it’d be predictably weird.)

Then they dropped this absolute bomb on me.

This week, we’re releasing one of the most oft-requested features in Convertri’s history.

It’s going to change the way you build sales funnels…

It’s going to cut your time spent setting up lead magnets in half…

…And at the very least, you won’t have to remember so many third-party service passwords.

Yeah. That’s right.

You can now upload files.

I’m too excited: let’s just dive in already. But first, hit CTRL+SHIFT+R (or CMD+SHIFT+R if you’re on a Mac) to see this almighty update:


File Hosting – before now, if you wanted to offer a lead magnet or other download on your site, you had to host your files elsewhere and link to that third-party service (e.g. Google Docs or S3). Now, that’s a thing of the past! Click on a button element, and click Button Settings in the Properties panel. Then, in the Mode dropdown, choose Download. You’ll be prompted to choose a file you want to offer, and if you want to force the download on click, which means your user’s browser will open the file immediately. Individual files can be no larger than 40MB, and you’ll have a new File Library – which works similarly to the Media Gallery – to upload and view your files. Enjoy!

Elements – you can now select multiple elements and distribute them evenly either horizontally or vertically, on your page or within a container. You can now also select multiple elements and align them to the same right, left or centre line. This will help you tidy up your pages a lot quicker. Just use SHIFT + click to select more than one element, and click the new Element Alignment button in the Quick Access toolbar to see your options.

Page templates [PRO] –
Introducing two pages of a brand new funnel that’s perfect for mobile apps:

Mobile App (coming soon)
Mobile App (thank you)


They’ve all scuttled off to explore the new file upload feature. They’ll be back causing havoc again soon, no doubt.

Happy converting!

Executive Word Arranger at Convertri