Convertri Updates – 08/01/19

Convertri Updates – 08/01/19

Aaaand we’re back!

One week into 2019, and by now the flu/hangover/elderly relative fatigue has mostly evaporated, leaving us all bright-eyed and raring to make the most of this blank page.

So, how many eights have you scribbled out the bottom left-hand corner of to make them into nines? I’ve got 5.

I’m expecting to be able to write 2019 properly by May-ish.

As always, to see the updates just hit CTRL+SHIFT+R (or CMD+SHIFT+R if you’re on a Mac):


Funnels – if you filter your funnels by domain, then go into a funnel, make some changes, go back and want to make changes to another funnel on that domain, you used to have to select the domain all over again because the filters were removed. Irritating. But now, clicking our funnel breadcrumb (as opposed to your browser’s back button) – which is the Funnels > Your Funnel text on the top left of your funnel’s screen – will preserve your domain filters, so you can see your domain’s funnels at a glance.

Page templates [PRO] –
Diet (opt-in) – everyone’s trying to eat healthier for the New Year, which could help you make a buck with this diet-themed opt-in.
Diet (thank you) – make them feel good about their healthy choices with this page packed with nutritious food.


None this week… but we watch, ever vigilant.

Happy converting!

Executive Word Arranger at Convertri