Convertri Updates – 03/07/18

Convertri Updates – 03/07/18

Fireworks! Barbecues! Recurring arguments over the correct way to use corn cob holders!

‘Tis the season, Convertri users – it’s the Fourth of July.

(Well, nearly.)

If your natural instinct at this point in summer is to retreat into a cool nest with chips, cold salsa and the air-con on full blast, happily beavering away at your Convertri sites until all the colours and people and lights outside have gone away, raise your hand – me, too.

Work is a PERFECT way to avoid pressing social commitments.

So, to ensure no one suspects that super-serious look on your face means you’re procrastinating, we’re delivering a bumper load of content this week including:

A round of intriguing bug fixes
A 35-minute video walkthrough
3 x new Pro templates (as standard)
…PLUS a bonus blog article which looks really professional and work-y when someone looks over your shoulder, but which is actually very cool and interesting

Now, repeat after me: “Terribly sorry Aunt Gladys, I’d love some raisin potato salad but I really must keep up with the industry standards regarding serifs vs sans-serifs for use in direct response headlines.”

(And if that fails, just open in another tab and switch back and forth, sporadically frowning.)

Remember, if you’re using Convertri right now you’ll need to force-refresh (CTRL + SHIFT + R, or CMD + SHIFT + R if you’re on a Mac) to see what’s new:


Fonts are a critical element of your page design. Even if you get everything else right – colours, layout, images – a bad font can ruin all your hard work. But how do you know which fonts will work best with what you’ve got?

I recently interviewed one of our designers for the blog, and he gave me some fantastic font pairing options for inspiration. Take a look:


The Getting Started tutorial is live! Find the fully updated, all-singing, all-dancing PDF and supersize video walkthrough right here:


Page templates [PRO] –
Beast Mode (opt-in) – clench your abs and use this template to power your conversions.
Beast Mode (delivery) – a fulfilment page that can bench its own bodyweight.
Counsel (opt-in) – reach those affected by law issues you can solve.


Page Builder – in the Elements Tray, any menu with multiple options (e.g. Media) was staying open even if you clicked (or dragged) any other top-level item. We fixed it, so now the menus behave properly.

Text – sometimes, copying and pasting text into a Convertri text element from other sources (especially Google Docs) resulted in weird, broken paragraphs. We’ve improved it so you won’t have to clean it up as much.

Last but not least, you may have seen an announcement from Neil in the Facebook group about an upcoming Q&A webinar…

…It’s live, just a couple hours from now (2pm EST).

So if you have a question, want to see a demo, wondering which plan is right for you, or simply want a bit of a chinwag with owner and head sorcerer Andy, it’s all happening later today.

Register here to get all your Convertri conundrums cracked:

Have a great week!

Executive Word Arranger at Convertri