Convertri Updates – 17/07/18

You asked for it: and this week, it’s here.

Now, you can select ALL THE THINGS!

Ahem. Let me explain.

One of the most frequent requests we’ve been having in the Convertri Facebook group is for multiple element selection.

There have always been several options for shifting stuff to and fro on your page:

Moving elements individually
Selecting an element, then holding SHIFT while moving it up or down (this moved everything below the element as well)
Containing elements within a panel, then moving that panel

…And now, there’s a fourth way.

Not only that, but we have the usual bug fixes, gorgeous templates and a few other surprises for you this week… so let’s go!

Scroll down to discover how we’re making it easier to make big changes on your page – and don’t forget, if you’re using Convertri right now you’ll need to force-refresh (CTRL + SHIFT + R, or CMD + SHIFT + R if you’re on a Mac) to see all the goodies:


A little while ago, I asked one of our designers: how the heck do they make the page templates so good? As well as giving me some excellent font pairings, he also imparted some web design words of wisdom that will transform the way you think about kerning, line-height, serifs and font weights.

Click here to get irradiated by the font knowledge bomb:

A Font for All Knowledge II: 11 Golden Rules of Text


Nothing this week, but if you ever need a helping hand our Knowledgebase is open 24/7:


Multiple Selection – you’ll now be able to select multiple elements in the Page Builder by using CTRL+CLICK. With one element selected, hold down CTRL and click once to select, and again to deselect, then move the group by dragging or using the arrow keys. For now, you can only move multiple selected elements – but we’re working on making it possible to perform more actions on multiple selection like cloning, changing colors and other properties.

URLs – it’s now possible to use periods (dots, full stops) in your published paths. This means if your old page was available under yourdomain/sales.html, you can make a new one using Convertri which has the exact same URL (which is great for SEO).

Page templates [PRO] –
Real Estate (thank you) – a warm greeting for your real estate leads.
Real Estate (listings) – a page to display some beautiful houses.
Telegenic (sales page) – a persuasive, bold sales page.


Split Testing – URL query string parameters that are usually used for analytics and tracking did not work on split test pages. We fixed that.

Custom Domains – in rare cases, when checking if your custom domain added via nameservers is connected to Convertri, something weird was showing up as the status in the Records screen. We fixed it.

Configure Forms – we’ve improved the Page Builder’s Configure Form dialog. In case of having multiple services connected to Convertri, the dialog will open quicker. Also, other speed improvements have been made in service tabs.

DNS Records – we made the indication when a DNS record is used to connect your (sub-)domain to Convertri a lot clearer.

Happy converting!

Executive Word Arranger at Convertri