Convertri Updates – 18/06/24

It’s Tuesday folks, and that can only mean one thing…

The devs have another solid seven days behind them of creating new code, tweaking systems and pulling levers to make your Convertri experience even better than ever.

While we have no new features or bugs to fix this week (personally, we’re still counting the latter as a win), we do have another round of helpful help doc updates from our support team that will help you find the answers you need to build your pages.

Answers to questions such as “how do I apply tax to products?” And “How do I add usage limits to my coupons?”

All will be revealed, friends.

In the meantime, let’s read up on the news together and enjoy the general Tuesday-ness in the air:


YouTube is experimenting with a new crowdsourced feature called Notes, allowing users to add extra context to videos. The video giant says this new feature could be used for many different things, including to let other users know “when a song is meant to be a parody” or “when older footage is mistakenly portrayed as a current event”. What do you think of this idea? Find out more about it here:

In the Facebook group this week, Alexa shows you how to configure funnel colour palettes:

And finally, on this day in history, we’re recognising the pivotal Battle of Waterloo, which took place on 18th June 1815, bringing Napoleon’s plans for dominating Europe to a dramatic halt. Even if you’re facing your own Waterloo (or just can’t get the song out of your head), we’re here to help. Check out our new and updated help docs at


We have a lot of new help doc updates for you this week, including:

  • Membership Tiers Overview
  • How to Set Up a Product to Sell Membership Access
  • How to Connect Membership Tiers to a Form

Happy converting!


Executive Word Arranger at Convertri