Convertri Updates – 28/05/24

Convertri Updates – 28/05/24

TONS of brand new stuff for you this week, Convertri fam – absolutely tons!

First of all (and most importantly) we have a bunch of new features for you. Some of them you may have seen in our recent Coming Soon videos: now they’re here, they’re awesome, and they’re ready to transform how you make pages.

The biggest and best of these new features is… (drumroll)

Membership Access Tiers!

That’s right – if you love our membership sites, you’ll love being able to restrict access to certain members based on tiers. There’s a new access tiers screen in the left-hand menu of your membership site in the Dashboard, so make sure you check it out.

We also have new features in right-click menus, funnel colors, and more… so read on to discover what’s new in the platform:


If you’ve been told to go eat rocks lately, you’re not alone – Google’s new AI feature isn’t getting it all right, and it’s a cautionary tale for everyone that shows the dangers of betting on experimental technology. Read more here:

In the Facebook group, Alexa introduces us to the world of icons:

And finally, on this day in history, British author and James Bond creator Ian Fleming was born on 28th May 1908. Arguably his most famous literary achievement is Secret Service Agent 007, but did you know he also wrote Chitty-Chitty-Bang-Bang, a children’s novel about a magical flying car? The power of the car lies in its ability to transform into an aeroplane and a hovercraft to escape tricky situations – just like you can pivot your business on a dime with Convertri by leveraging our pre-made page themes to put up new offers. Find out what you could be missing in our Theme gallery when creating a new page.


Memberships: access tiers – you can now add tiers to give your members different levels of access to your content! You can configure which modules belong to which tier as well as sell each tier as a separate product, or even offer it as a sign up bonus. Find all the options available in the new Access Tiers option in your membership site’s left hand menu.

Right-click menu: elements – a little while ago, we gave you a right-click menu for text, and now it’s also available for elements, too. Right-click on any element and you’ll be able to cut, copy and paste it anywhere on the canvas.

Funnels: colors – now when you save a color palette, you’ll be able to choose to use it on all pages in a funnel. Find and choose your palette in the Page Settings screen in your funnel.

Buttons: font scaling on mobile – when you select your button in the Mobile view, you can now adjust font scaling to make any text on your buttons look better on multiple devices.

Folders: moving – you can now move image and video folders to make organization easier. Find the option in the three-dot menu on your image and video folders.

Happy converting!


Executive Word Arranger at Convertri