Convertri Updates – 16/08/22

Convertri Updates – 16/08/22

Is the heatwave over where you are?

Here in Scotland, it’s been a cool 16 degrees and raining for the past couple of weeks now.

(And before that, since the Ice Age.)

Nothing had changed that much.

Unlike in this week’s update email, where in fact there is quite a lot of stuff happening.

We’ve got updates to our mobile editor, a new Event, text formatting and even a new button skin.

Read on to find out more:


Open/Close Layer events – we’ve added new Events to our Actions and Events list, for when your user opens or closes a layer. This is useful for things like firing pixels when a layer is opened, for example.

Mobile text – switching back and forth from mobile to desktop view to edit some text was a right headache. So, we’ve made it so that you’re now able to edit text elements directly in the mobile view.

Text formatting – we’ve added a Clear Styles button next to the P, H1 and H2 default style options in the More area of the text toolbar. This button reverts the selected text to the P style, removing any additional styles you’ve added. This is useful for making sweeping changes to default text styles you might have tweaked manually.

New button skin – we’ve added a new Buy With Logos button skin in the Button Appearance options. It comes with the logos of payment services such as Visa, Amex, and PayPal.


“Sending Form” messages – we recently gave you the ability to edit the message that displays briefly when your form is being submitted on your site. This was limited to 45 characters, but it shouldn’t have been. We’ve removed the character limit, so you can create longer messages.

Analytics – conversions were not being counted in some cases, and one of the culprits was an Aweber HTML form. We’ve fixed those issues, and your conversions should be counted as normal.

Sub-accounts – domains added on sub-accounts may not have been showing in the domains list, with only the domain created in the main account visible. We’ve fixed this issue.

HTML forms – when an HTML form is attached to the page, the Form Field Settings tab in the Properties panel wasn’t showing any options, so you couldn’t assign your inputs. Bit strange, so we fixed it.


Over in the Facebook group, Dan shares a walkthrough of our new custom form fields update:

I describe how to reuse and recycle one teeny tiny video into over 100 pieces of content for you to use in your marketing:

And on this day in history, in/famous pop icon Madonna was born in 1958. One of her most beloved songs, Material Girl, espoused living lavishly and collecting diamonds and men. If you, like Madge, enjoy material things, find out how you can get paid by your Mister Right (i.e. anyone with a credit card) by setting up recurring payments here:

Stay safe, and happy converting!


Executive Word Arranger at Convertri